“I have not had to take any medicine for my Diabetes, Arthritis or Hypertension since going on “The Watkins Cleansing Program.” I was on 36 units of Insulin when I started. I lost 14 lbs. in 14 days and have lost a total of 35 lbs. in all since starting on the lifestyle change program. The pains in my back, shoulders and knees that prevented me from walking are all gone and I feel rejuvenated overall.” Yvonne Patton, Washington, DC “I stayed on “The Watkins’ Cleansing Program” for 45 days. Not only did I lose 35 lbs. but also, I got off all the medication I had depended upon for years for high blood pressure.” Rev. Donald Williams, Martinsville, VA “I Lost 89 lbs. in the Ninety Days that I was on Dr. Watkins’ Program. In addition I was able to get off all my many medicines and felt better than when I was following a regular diet.” John Finklea, Maryland “I and many of my church members went on Dr. Watkins’ Program in 2002. I lost 41 lbs. in 32 days. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to be healthier.” Elder Alfred Booker, Pastor SE SDA Church , Cleveland, OH “I have had several of my patients use Dr. Watkins’ program and have found it to be superb.” Samuel DeShay, MD, Silver Spring, MD “I Lost 40 lbs. in 40 Days on Dr. Watkins’ Program. In addition my blood pressure that had been elevated since my last teens normalized. My church went on the program the last two years, it really works.” Dr. William Revely Pastor, Holy Hope Heritage Baptist Church, Detroit, MI |

Fasting often brings sense of well-being that is impossible to obtain in any other way. Review comments of some participants in the Cleansing Program:
“. . . I was suffering from extreme fatigue and exhaustion and I was sure I had contracted some terrible disease. I visited Dr. Watkins and was advised to try this fasting program. I was amazed at the immediate benefits I received. After three days, I had more energy than I could remember. My skin began to radiate a healthy glow, and my body felt as if it was springing into new life. I was elated!”
-Paula Morris, Maryland
“. . . I had hypertension, unstable angina, and chronic sinusitis (which produced severe headaches). I also had allergies and asthma. I was taking heavy medication for these and chronic fatigue. And as you might guess, I was overweight. With all these ailments I was, of course, in a constant state of depression. I had tried nearly every diet program on the market . . . I even went so far as to have my stomach stapled. I said to God you know that I need help, and it came in a roundabout way. Dr. Watkins convinced me that there was hope for me with this program. Since going on the Cleansing Program I am a new person! I have energy galore . . . I love to come to work because I wake up refreshed each morning. All the medicine I was taking is now a thing of the past. And wonder of wonders, in just four months I lost 50 pounds!!! I am happy with myself and would recommend this program to anyone.”
-Ann Sampson, Maryland