*All clients should watch You Tube Weight Loss and Cleansing tutorial before using kit.

*All clients must read the booklet thoroughly before using kit.

  • Q: Can I eat while on the cleansing program?  

A: No, you are on a “modified juice fast” meaning you are not chewing your food, but rather drinking your meal. In one day, you should consume the following: 2-3 glasses of fresh pressed fruit juice, 2-3 glasses of fresh pressed vegetable juice, 3 cups of vegetable broth with sea salt (avoid MSG), 3 cups of herbal tea, & 11 glasses of distilled water.

  • Q: What should I do if I am not having bowl movement or very few/little bowl movements each day while fasting?  

A: You should start by increasing your Bio cleanse C tablets to 2, 3 times a day. You can safely increase tablets up to 3, 3 times a day.

  • Q: Can I have smoothies on the cleansing program?

A#1: Normally, you would only want to have clear liquids (juice separated from the pulp) however, if you have a strong desire to “chew” or to “eat” and you are about to “break the fast”, we would recommend that you have 1/2 cup of a healthy smoothie, then return to your regimen. Otherwise, discipline yourself by refocusing on other important matters of the day. Remember, cleansing is truly a blessing! You just need to stick to it, follow your doctor’s instructions, journal your progress, and read your booklet.

A#2: Another circumstance by which you may also have a healthy smoothie is if you have increased your Bio Cleanse C tablets (you can safely increase intake to 9 tablets per day), yet you have not had 1-3 bowel movements per day. Once you have the smoothie, return to the regular schedule of cleansing.

  • Q: Why distilled water?

A: Distilled water is best because it is the purest and helps to draw out toxins from the body. The main difference between distilled water and spring water is that distilled water does not have any minerals. If you drink distilled water beyond the fast or if you feel tired or lethargic on the fast we recommend you add ½ tsp – 1 tsp sea salt to 1 gallon of water.

  • Q: What products are in my Cleansing Kit?

A: Herbal supplements provided 1) Bio Cleanse C to cleanse your Colon 2) Bio Cleanse O to cleanse your organs 3) ParaCleanse to expel parasites worms from your system 4) Poundz Off a completely herbal fat burner and hunger suppressant *Included in Weight kit only 

  • Q: How long should I fast?

A#1: We recommend you fast initially for 14 days (customers average 10-14 days). If you are over 25 lbs. over your ideal weight, you should fast for 30 days.

A#2: To continue with your healthy lifestyle, clients should cleanse:

– 1 day a week. Choose a day you know would be great for cleaning and stick to fasting that one day until it becomes a habit.

– 3 consecutive days within a quarter. Fast for a weekend Fri-Sun or any 3 consecutive days in a week, every 3 months. *Each kit comes with 20 days supply (i.e. 60 pills 3 pills per day = 20 days)

  • Q: Can I fast for longer than 14-20 days? 

A: Yes! The longest known faster on our program did 90 days and lost 89 pounds (testimonials in our booklet). Most clients think clearer, feel healthier, and are happier on the cleansing program.

  • Q: What fruit and/ or vegetable should I juice?

A#1: First, we must establish that our modified juice cleanse is best experienced with fresh pressed juices. We recommend our clients to purchase a juicer to make their own fresh juices in their homes. We understand that this can be an expensive purchase, especially for international clients, however, this is an investment. We recommend single auger and masticating juicers. These juicers preserve nutrients needed to sustain your body. If your only option is a centrifugal juicer, that is still better than purchasing V8s or other sugary juices. (Learn more about types of juicers on You Tube). If juicers are not an option for your budget, yet you have a blender, we recommend you add water to your smoothies to “thin them out”.

A#2: We recommend starting with fruit and vegetables you like first and then add additional items. You can find recipes on our website

  • Q: What should I do if I am feeling tired, lethargic or experiencing headaches?

A: First ensure you are following the program as outlined in your booklet.  If so,

1) be sure your vegetable broth has sea salt

2) be sure you are drinking 11 cups of water

3) be sure you are exercising 60-90 minutes per day (minimum of 30 mins per session). Walking is highly encouraged, specifically interval walk (walk until you are tired – break, walk until you are tired – break, walk until you are tired – STOP) 

4) some individuals may need to have 1 to 2 smoothies per day to engage bowls

  • Q: Do I have to do the dry brush massage?

A: Yes! Using the loofah sponge the dry brush massage is a vital part of the program and if you do not do this step you can develop a rash as toxins are eliminated through your pores. 

  • Q: How should I break the fast?

A: Whenever you fast for 3 or more days you must gradually begin eating. Start with small portions of fresh fruit and salads each day (increasing portion sizes each day). You do not need to take your supplements while breaking the fast however, you want to continue drinking the recommended liquids as when you were fasting to stay hydrated. Refer to the instructions in booklet for specific details.

  • Q: How long should I wait before going back on the fast?

A: Typically, you would at least want to allow the 3 day break period as discussed above before going back on the fast. 

  • Q: Can I cleanse without fasting?

A: Typically, you would want to at a minimum do the full 10-14 day fast annually before doing a non-fasting cleanse. In the booklet we outline a 30 day non-fasting program which you will take all the supplements and requires two kits to have an entire 30 day supply. 

  • Q: Do I take vitamins and medications/ supplements while fasting? 

A: Your Doctor should advise of any medications to stop taking (e.g. Typically hypertensive patients taking pharmaceuticals would remain on their BP meds and monitor/record their BP, advising your Doctor daily or any significant movement + or -. Diabetics should monitor and record fasting BS levels daily and let your Doctor know the number daily before taking meds by texting/calling the number provided by your Doctor. Typically after the third day Type II Diabetics can reduce or halt BS meds (only when advised by your Doctor)

  • Q: How Do I share feedback of my Cleansing journey?

A#1: Keep a daily journal for your own encouragement and to share with others (if you are open to)

A#2: Email us about your experience:

  • Q: How should I store my herbs?

A: Herbs should be kept in a cool and dry place. We suggest in a room that is air conditioned or a well vented room.

Feedback & Testimonials

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